About Us

Hi! My name is Lisa. I used to be a workaholic corporate marketing executive before I had my son. I stopped working the minute he was in my tummy and became a stay home mom for the next 5 years. My husband and I have always loved to travel, so we took our son everywhere we went. Ever since he was 4 months old, we took him on road trips every month. We drove over 100K miles with him.  We took him to exotic and distant places, and just really enjoyed being with him every second. Now he's almost 8, and he has been to more cities and spent more time on the road than most kids his age. 

We moved back to Phoenix last year. In order to have more time to spend with my son, I decided to open this online store. The products in my store are all things that I personally use almost everyday,and they are really useful to have for those families that like to go places with their kids. They are just practical things that you can use at home or outdoors. 

I hope you like my store, and I will continue to source and add new products that I think are useful for my customers. 

I will also share more of my travel stories in case anyone is interested to read about them.